Two sides of the same coin....

Monday, January 4, 2010


When you read any of my blogs you will find that some of them are interconnected, related in some ways, no matter how vague, and a way to record certain internal dialogues and similar activities and processes and to digest impressions and influences. In order to access certain dimensions it has often been necessary to alter perceptions and even to distort them in various ways, many of which are dangerous, harmful, and illegal as well as dubious for most people. One should not delude oneself or try to convince oneself that one is the exception to the rule and certainly not at the mere suggestion or urgings of others,whether well-intentioned or not. ALWAYS BE AWARE AND ALWAYS BEWARE! REFINED PERCEPTIONS are part of TIBETAN YOGA which is also known as TANTRA and related,however, tenuous, to Buddhism,both esoteric and exoteric. the ORDINARY SENSES can be transformed into another dimension(with the result): SEEING WITH THE EARS; SMELLING WITH THE FINGERTIPS; HEARING WITH THE EYES!

1 comment:

  1. The various 'theories of time' and the various 'theories of space' are usually linked in our minds so that now the single notion of 'space-time' has come into play and use, usually without understanding the implications of this notion or perhaps its actual and practical use, thereby remaining always 'abstract', 'logical' and 'theoretical', etc. Just when we think we have grasped either or both, 'time' and 'space' they slip out of our grasp and continue to recede from us as we chase around to seize them in some frantic,frenetic way. On eof the problems facing us is that we think and consider time and space as 'things', as 'objects', as 'tangibles' and we set our clocks by such notions and travel about holding these as very precious in our daily lives, much more so than the ancient and patient,seemingly, peoples of unsophisticated and primitive times. We have, in our haste, digitalized our very existence and activities and behavior and then succumb to various superstitions based on the calendars of various kinds...and since our memories are exceedingly poor, we group and objectify our lives and what we have done or will do or are doing by 'time-lines' and the like. Some do keep diaries of sorts and these could or are helps in memories. Therefore, when we encounter certain real myths of the past, they can and often do 'shock'us and stir up certain yearnings in some of us who are not knee-deep in space or bogged down in time.
